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What’s the difference between a Tummy Tuck and Liposuction?

Liposuction is a procedure that reduces the thickness of excess fat. It slightly tightens your skin, but it is not able to remove any stretch marks. Liposuction is not limited to the abdominal area; it can be performed on the flanks, inner/outer thighs, and various other areas too.

Abdominoplasty, also known as Tummy Tuck, is a procedure best chosen for people who have excess fat, loose skin, stretch marks, and loose inner girdle (fascia or gristle). Flank liposuction can be a great compliment to a tummy tuck. The tummy tuck would give you a smoother, tighter mid-section and flank liposuction would give you a nicer blend and less overhang of “love handles”.

Find out which procedure or which combination of procedures you would be the best candidate for. We offer consultations, schedule your appointment today for more information.